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Harnessing sustainable sources of energy for all

We believe in social responsibility, whether it's reducing remote communities reliance on fossil fuels, adding to an existing mix of grid-connected power sources or providing power where none currently exists; Authentic Power Solutions believes in providing environmentally responsible energy solutions that harness the power available from nature in the form of Wind, Solar, Hydro and heat from the Earth. 

Harnessing sustainable sources of energy for all

Building & Maintaining The Energy Infrastructures

Working to reduce fossil fuels

Renewable energy and the oil industry can work together in several ways. Firstly, renewable energy can help reduce the environmental impact of oil production by powering facilities with solar or wind energy. Secondly, renewable energy can supplement the oil industry's energy needs, reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and enhancing energy security. Finally, the growth of renewable energy presents new business opportunities for the oil industry. By embracing renewable energy, the oil industry can reduce its environmental impact, enhance energy security, and tap into new business opportunities.

Solar Panels

Solar power is one of the most popular sustainable energy solutions available. It involves harnessing the energy from the sun and converting it into electricity through the use of solar panels. Solar power is a clean and renewable energy source that doesn't emit harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It can be installed on rooftops or on the ground and is a cost-effective solution.

Hydro Electricity

Hydro Electricity involves harnessing the energy from moving water, such as rivers and oceans, and converting it into electricity. It is a clean and renewable source of energy that doesn't emit harmful greenhouse gases, and it's a reliable source of energy that can be used for both residential and commercial use cases and often requires low maintenance.

Solar Farm

These farms typically consist of numerous solar panels arranged in rows or arrays, covering several acres of land. Solar farms are becoming increasingly popular as a clean and renewable source of energy, providing numerous benefits over traditional fossil fuels.

About Us

Welcome to Authentic Power Solutions. We are dedicated to providing clean, sustainable, and affordable energy solutions to individuals and businesses alike.

Our mission is to help create a world powered by renewable energy, where future generations can thrive in a cleaner, healthier environment. We believe that the transition to renewable energy is not only necessary to mitigate the effects of climate change but is also a smart economic decision.

Our team of experts are passionate about renewable energy and constantly exploring new ways to harness it's potential. We offer a wide range of renewable energy solutions, including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass energy systems. Whether you are looking to power your home or business, we have the expertise and technology to design and install a system that meets your specific needs.

We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and support throughout the entire process, from the initial consultation to system maintenance and beyond. Our goal is to make the transition to renewable energy as seamless and hassle-free as possible so that you can enjoy the benefits of clean energy without any of the headaches.

Join us in our mission to create a brighter, more sustainable future for all. Contact us today to learn more about our renewable energy solutions.

Vision Statement

At Authentic Power Solutions, we passionately envision a world where everyone has access to affordable, sustainable, and clean energy solutions that power a brighter and more sustainable future. We believe that it's our responsibility to help people take control of their energy consumption, protect the planet, and pave the way for future generations to thrive.

Mission Statement

Our mission at APS is to revolutionize the energy industry by providing innovative and accessible renewable energy solutions that inspire people to take action, make a positive impact, and build a better future for all. We understand the power of renewable energy to transform lives, communities, and the world, and we're dedicated to making it accessible to everyone, no matter where they are.

We strive to inspire and empower our customers to become agents of change by taking control of their energy consumption and reducing their environmental impact. We're committed to providing exceptional customer service and support throughout the entire process, from initial consultation to system installation and maintenance. Our goal is to create a world where renewable energy is not just a choice but the norm, where the use of sustainable energy sources powers a brighter and more equitable future for all.

Join us in our mission to build a cleaner, brighter, and more sustainable future for our planet and for future generations. Together, we can make a real difference and create a world that we can be proud to leave behind.

Meet the team

Company Board Of Directors

Peter Ojo

Peter Ojo


Dan Pavoni

Dan Pavoni


Ben Hapi

Ben Hapi


Client Testimonials

What Our Satisfied Clients Around The Globe Are Saying
